Training Program

The DWG Green Card TrainingTM was developed with inputs from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA), expert Dieback Interpreters, Scientists and members of the DWG Board. It arose from the need to raise Biosecurity-Hygiene awareness among all stakeholders and across land tenures, where we use Phytophthora Dieback as an example of how to combat this wide-spread threat to biodiversity, ecosystem health, numerous industries, cultural and environmental values. It provides trainees with essential skills and knowledge to apply Biosecurity-Hygiene principles in the field and at home or in your office when planning activities within vulnerable vegetation. This training has become a requirement for numerous industries and DWG is the broker for this training for stakeholders operating off DBCA managed land tenure.  DWG and its Registered Trainers are available to deliver this training.

Our trainers are specialists in Dieback Management to answer all of your questions. All trainers are highly experienced in Green Card training delivery and have been endorsed by DWG. 


Fee: $280 + GST PER PERSON 

Student/community group fee: $170 + GST PER PERSON

To find a trainer, click on ‘Find a Trainer’ below.


Commercial rates apply at the trainer’s discretion. 

For a list of our DWG Registered Trainers see below.

DWGs Registered Trainers are listed below to deliver Green Card. All have extensive background knowledge and experience in working with Phytophthora Dieback, have completed the DWG’s Train-the-trainer program and are experienced trainers. Please contact them to obtain a quote.

Trainer Name


Bruno Rikli
Bark Environmental Pty Ltd
M: 0400 208 582
E: [email protected]


Service Range:
All areas upon request. 

Bruno’s Qualifications:
– DWG Green Card Train-the-Trainer Course (2015)
– Bachelor of Science: Environmental Management (2001)
– CALM Cert IV in Conservation & Land Management (1992)
– Dept. of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) Registered Dieback Interpreter (2015)
– Cert IV in Workplace Training and Assessment (2014)

Bruno’s Experience:
– TAFE Lecturer: CALM Cert (2014)
– Training provided to Govt., Industry, Mining and Community Groups (20 years).
– HMP & Mapping for Govt., Industry, Mining and Community Groups.
– 25 years experience Dieback Interpretation & mapping
– Dept. of CALM (now DBCA) employee (1991-2000)
– Environmental Officer (Main Roads WA 2002-06 & City of Bunbury 2012)
– Senior Scientist (GHD 2006-2009)
– Managing Scientist (RPS 2009-2011)
– Biosecurity Officer (DAFWA 2015)

Glevan Consulting
P: 1300 453 826
E: [email protected]  


Service Range:
All areas upon request.
Perth Metro, Peel and South West Regions.

Glevan Qualifications:
Multiple trainers with qualifications including 
– DWG Green Card Program Train-the-Trainer Course 
– Dieback interpreter accreditation and registration
– DBCA Hygiene Management Training
– Certificate IV in Conservation and Ecosystem Management 
– Bachelor of Science: Environmental Science 

Glevan Experience:
Multiple trainers with qualifications including 
– DBCA registered Dieback Interpreters experienced (15-30 years) across all susceptible bioregions 
– TAFE trainer 
– Green Card delivery 

Jeremy Spencer
Great Southern Bio Logic
M: 0400 113 093
E: [email protected]


Service Range:
All areas upon request.
South West and the Great Southern. 

Jeremy’s Qualifications:
– DWG Green Card Program Train-the-Trainer Course (2015)
– Bachelor of Science: Environmental Science
– Cert IV in Workplace Training and Assessment (2004)

Jeremy’s Experience:
– State Env Education Program Coordinator for the Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife Service
– CALM- on the ridge Environmental Education Program Coordinator (1998-2002)
DBCA registered Dieback Interpreter (1991 – present)

Joe Grehan
M: 0400 003 688
E: [email protected]


Service Range:
Wider Perth metro region. For groups (15+), can service anywhere within 200km of Perth. 

Joe’s Qualifications:
– DWG Green Card Program Train-the-Trainer Course (2016)
– Cert IV in Training and Assessment (2016)
– Bachelor of Science: Environmental Science (2004)
– Post-graduate Diploma in Environmental Management (2006)
– Cert IV in Land Management (2002)
– Dept of CALM – Certificate in Phytophthora cinnamomi (Dieback) Management (2004)

Joe’s Experience:
– Delivery of Dieback Awareness training to Environmental Consultants
– Has trained 4 Dieback Interpreter trainees to gain their registration
– DBCA registered Dieback interpreter (10 years) with supplementary qualification in ‘areas of low interpretability’ and ‘Jarrah Impact Assessment’
– Ecologist (20 years) with substantial experience in Dieback risk assessment and hygiene management planning

The invasive plant disease, Phytophthora Dieback, is receiving increasing recognition for the threat it poses to the natural environment and the industries dependant on it. Increasing management of the disease means that more and more organisations are looking for a program that trains their staff to recognise and follow protocols and procedures for the on-ground management of the disease and its spread.

Green Card Training (Phytophthora Dieback Hygiene) offered by the Dieback Working Group is recognised by WA government authorities to gain the skills and knowledge you need to manage your risk of spreading Phytophthora Dieback on-ground.  Many industry employees are also now required to complete training before commencing work in natural areas. The training is engaging, interesting and, of course, informative. It can be completed as an organisational or workplace requirement, as a condition for entry to a particular site/ area, for professional development, or just for your own interest. Land managers across WA are quickly taking on Green Card Training as the standard for staff working in Phytophthora Dieback disease-risk areas – Get ahead, Protect Your Bushland and Get trained now!

The level of Green Card Training currently offered is suitable for anyone who works (or volunteers ) in an environment where there is a risk of spreading Phytophthora Dieback. This includes planners, managers, community and on-ground staff working in the following areas:

  • Mining (extraction & processing)
  • Environmental consultancy
  • Power & utility management
  • Forestry
  • Road Construction / Transport & logistics
  • Bushland reserve on-ground management (Local Govt., State Govt. departments and agencies, private organisations & contractors)
  • NRM & Landcare, Friends of Groups
  • Education & research (University, TAFE)

The skills and knowledge acquired through the training will give trainees an understanding of the nature of the disease, how it spreads, how it is managed, an overview of relevant guiding documents and the skills to follow signage and clean and inspect a vehicle for soil, animal and plant material.

Additional specialised courses may be developed in the future and these will be advertised here.

A standard Green Card Training session involves a theory session (in a classroom) where trainees learn the knowledge required to successfully complete the course, followed by a practical session where trainees learn how to inspect and clean a vehicle, followed by an assessment. Trainees must pass the assessment to complete the training. Your trainer will modify the standard training to incorporate internal and industry-relevant documents and policies, making sure the training is relevant to the trainees. Additional modules may be added to the training program, at your request, to enhance the skills or knowledge acquired by the trainees through the training. The following modules can be added to the training program:

  • Phytophthora Dieback site visit
  • Management in practice site visit
  • Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions policies and regulations
  • Clean and inspect machinery

For other changes to the training, please discuss with your trainer.

DWG Green Card Trainees who successfully complete the course receive the skills and knowledge to be able to understand the nature of the plant disease Phytophthora Dieback, how it is managed and what steps they need to take to ensure the disease isn’t spread through their in-field activities. Trainees complete the course with the skills for completing a clean-down of a vehicle or piece of equipment relevant to their work practices.

Much of the content of the DWG Green Card Training Program is based on DWG’s Phytophthora Dieback Aware training, DWG’s Phytophthora Dieback Basic Training and the ‘AHCBIO201A Inspect and Clean Machinery for Plant, Animal and soil material’ unit of competency, a Certificate II level unit.

Due to the nature of the organisms that cause Phytophthora Dieback as complex microscopic water moulds (not even real fungi!), some of the concepts discussed in the training may prove to be a challenge for some Certificate II level learners, but our trainers do an amazing job at communicating these concepts through their interesting and interactive training methods.

We suggest all trainees come with a ‘can do’ attitude and a willingness to learn and share their experiences.

Some of our trainers are or have been members of the Dieback Working Group Management Committee. In the interest of fairness and transparency, we do not give recommendations for one particular trainer over another, we instead put their information on our website for you to choose a trainer based on the qualities and proximity you may be looking for. Any training sessions run by the DWG are delivered by our contract staff and our training fees are fixed.

Training program and content

Our training materials and content are constantly being improved thanks to your feedback and the input of our trainers and Management Committee. We have a strong relationship with the DBCA, Parks and Wildlife Service, Dieback Interpreters, Plant disease scientists and many other relevant industries that allows us to make sure the content of our training is up to date with the latest developments.

Dieback Working Group (DWG) Registered Green Card Trainers must demonstrate the following qualifications and experience:



  • A minimum of 5 years of demonstrated industry experience delivering high quality training and workshops to a range of audiences at a range of literacy levels as a major part of your role.


  • At least 5 years of experience working with Phytophthora hygiene and management
  • Ability to confidently answer questions and host classroom discussions about Environmental Biosecurity, Phytophthora Biology, the impacts of Phytophthora, Phytophthora risk assessment and planning, practical Phytophthora management in environmental settings. 
  • Ability to demonstrate an effective vehicle cleandown
  • Knowledge of other priority plant biosecurity threats and native plant pathogens, such as Myrtle Rust, Polyphagous Shot-Hole Borer, Australian Honey Fungus, Aerial Canker etc.


  • Co-deliver at least 3 Green Card sessions alongside a Registered DWG Green Card Trainer(s), and have a signed reference letter from the trainer(s) endorsing your ability to deliver the course to a high standard


  • Have a Green Card training course observed in full by a DWG representative, who must be satisfied in your ability to deliver the program, answer questions, and host discussions to a high standard


  • Willingness to have a DWG representative observe and provide constructive feedback on Green Card training delivery (no more than once per year per trainer)

Disclaimer: DWG reserves the right to de-register DWG Green Card trainers due to inappropriate conduct, repeated failure to deliver a quality training product, or providing misleading and harmful information through the training platform. A motion to de-register a trainer must be passed by the DWG Committee of Management during a General Meeting. In the event that a trainer is de-registered, the content of the Green Card training remains the intellectual property of DWG and can no longer be delivered in any capacity by that individual.