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Myrtle Rust Surveillance Training Course

May 6 @ 8:00 am May 8 @ 5:00 pm

Location: Brisbane and the Gold Coast where the significant impact of this disease can be viewed firsthand.

Join Senior Forest Pathologist Dr Geoff Pegg of Queensland’s Department of Agriculture & Fisheries for this in-depth surveillance training, an exciting initiative intended to assist in building capacity in Western Australians to proactively identify and report new suspected Myrtle Rust infestations during standard field operations.

By having trained personnel in a variety of industries and locations in WA, we hope to increase the chances of early detection in our state.

The course is recommended for those who have a field or botanical focus to their role, who will have the opportunity to observe and report Myrtle Rust when working with susceptible plant communities. We encourage all sectors to participate and do their part towards mitigating the impact of Myrtle Rust in WA (Biosecurity surveillance is at its most effective with as many sets of boots on the ground as possible!).

Myrtle Rust Surveillance Training Course 1

Confidently identify Myrtle Rust at a range of sites, on a range of hosts, and over a series of life stages. This will include the observation of cryptic symptoms such as early signs and the characteristic “scorched” appearance left behind by the fungus.

Observe leaf symptoms which are not caused by Myrtle Rust and learn to categorise and rule out these symptoms.

Identify sites which are most at risk from Myrtle Rust and incorporate these sites into surveillance planning.

Plan and apply effective hygiene in the field.

$1790 + GST Registration (does not include airfares and car hire)