Calling for your opinions in an online survey

Calling For Your Opinions In An Online Survey 1

Complete an online survey with a chance to win a $100 IGA voucher.

South Coast NRM and its Project Dieback partners – the Dieback Working Group, Department of Parks and Wildlife, Fitzgerald Biosphere Group and Murdoch University request your input in an online survey.

The survey, developed by EBC Consulting with the assistance of the Dieback Working Group coordinator, has been designed to help Project Dieback partners identify stakeholders working in areas potentially affected by Phytophthora Dieback and their level of understanding of the threat posed to biodiversity assets by this plant disease.

A $100 IGA voucher will be given away as a prize to one randomly chosen from the completed survey.

Project Dieback is a State NRM Office funded cross-tenure project aiming to identify and protect the most significant examples of biodiverse ecosystems and communities that are at risk from the plant disease Phytophthora Dieback.

“We are calling on people throughout the south-west of Western Australia to contribute towards this fantastic project, by putting a few minutes of their time into our online survey,” – Christopher Dunne

“We will also be contacting landholders to survey in select areas to build a basic understanding from people living in and around these massively important areas.” – Christopher Dunne

This survey is one of the many outcomes from this project. Much of the funding is going into helping to improve and protect these areas from the disease, as well as training and engaging people who are on the ground.

All information gathered will help to direct further funding from this project into where it is most needed to achieve better management of Phytophthora Dieback for these top priority areas.

Please click on the following link to begin your survey – it will only take a few minutes The survey closes on Friday, June 5 and the voucher will be drawn on Monday, June 8.

Project Contacts:
Dieback Working Group coordinator
Chris Dunne
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 0421 132 487

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