DIG2017 Registration is OPEN

Dig2017 Registration Is Open 1

Your next conference invitation is ready!

You are invited to join industry leaders at the next Dieback Information Group (DIG) Conference.


This 16th annual DIG Conference is themed “Threatened Species and Communities”, because our megadiverse environment is facing extraordinary levels of species’ loss and ecosystem impact.

We have invited a wide range of speakers from Community, Industry, Government and Academia to inform us of what is being done to mitigate these problems, focusing on Phytophthora Dieback as the prime example of a Key Threatening Process.

Registration is only available online, so please secure your place soon to hear and learn from leading experts and environmental practitioners willing to share their experiences and latest developments.
DWG Inc. recognises that “collaboration” is required to mitigate threats to species and plant communities, so we hope that you can join us because Biosecurity is a shared-responsibility and “Together we can make a positive difference”.

Kind regards,
Hans Lambers FAA FRNAS
Emeritus Professor UWA