Have you seen our new Green Card Training Page?

Have You Seen Our New Green Card Training Page? 1

It’s here, eveything you need to know about Green Card Training and how to get it. Click on the Green Card menu item from the home page or just type in the URL dwg2.mystagingwebsite.com/green-card to reach to page. The Dieback Working Group Inc Green Card is a training program aimed to meet the needs of field staff required to manage for Phytophthora Dieback in their work activities. The training is also a standard requirement for field staff within many organisations.

Green Card training provides participants with the knowledge to understand the Phytophthora Dieback Disease, what causes it, how it spreads and how it is managed. The standard training also gives participants the skills to be able to undertake Phytophthora Dieback hygiene in the daily work activities.Additional modules added to the training can tailor it to a specific audience and cover additional aspects of Phytophthora Dieback hygiene management, both theoretical and practical. The DWG is also holding open training sessions throughout the year for individuals seeking Green Card Training. Keep an eye on the Green Card Training page and social media for announcements of upcoming training events.

We’re constantly improving and updating this page, so stay tuned for an easier-to-use format in the near future.   

Additional modules added to the training can tailor it to a specific audience and cover additional aspects of Phytophthora Dieback hygiene management. Anyone seeking training for staff should contact the trainers provided on the page